Mark your calendar now! Oktoberfest is coming October 5, 2024! As we seek to live our lives in response to the love and grace of God, our theme for Oktoberfest continues to be “Celebrating And Serving Our Community.” Oktoberfest is a fun filled day with activities for children (especially the free bounce houses) and activities for adults alike! Last year through this event we welcomed around 1,500 people to Trinity, and we were able to donate over $6,000 to three community charities: The Lilburn Co-op, The Home of Hope for Women And Children and Gwinnett Relay For Life. Again, this year, all proceeds above the cost for the event will be donated to these 3 charities.
In order for this wonderful event to happen, we would love to have your help! You may sign up to volunteer by clicking on the link for volunteers.
Finally, Oktoberfest T-shirts are available. Cost is $15. Get yours on Sundays leading up to Oktoberfest.
We are excited to see what God may do through this event again this year. Please see the link below for a glimpse of last year’s event.