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Each March, Trinity participates in the Atlanta Hunger Walk. The proceeds support the Atlanta Food Bank and Lutheran Services of Georgia. For the past six years, Trinity has come in first place among Lutheran churches for its support.


The Backpack Buddies program provides elementary school children who qualify for free or reduced-price meals a sack of healthy and easy-to-prepare foods. The sack is for the weekend when students are not at school and don't have access to the free-meal program. For many of these children, school meals may be the only reliable meals they eat during the week.


We are partnering with Shiloh Elementary School to support 20 children. Place your donations in the Backpack Buddies bin in Hanberry Hall or you can contribute funds, and we'll do the shopping. Make your check out to Trinity Lutheran Church and write Backback Buddies on the memo of your check.


The most needed items are:


  • Milk — Individual, shelf-stable (e.g., Horizon or Fairlife)

  • Juice boxes

  • Small boxes of cereal or oatmeal packets

  • Chef Boyardee meals

  • Hormel Compleats meals

  • Jif to Go (peanut butter) packs

  • Vegetables (e.g., Libby's 4-packs or Kroger brand)

  • Granola bars/raisin boxes/pudding packs

  • Apple sauce cups or fruit cups


We are also looking for volunteers to package the meals, set out the food, or to take the prepared bags to Shiloh. Please contact the church office at 770-972-4418 for more details.


We'd like to invite you to participate in our inter-generational ministry to take brown bag lunches to the Memorial Drive Hunger Ministry. We prepare 80 peanut butter sandwich sack lunches and distribute them downtown to the hungry. Teams are in place to make sure everything needed is ready and available.


There is a place for everyone to participate! You could donate food items or lunch bags or donate your time to put lunches together, deliver lunches or drive! We hope you'll help Trinity and our youth as we minister to those less fortunate than ourselves.


Trinity provides Sunday dinner for the Gwinnett Children's Shelter each month for approximately 25 children at the shelter. We have a list of volunteers that are called on a rotating basis and asked to either prepare a portion of the meal or deliver the meal. This is a wonderful way to show your support to children that are going through a hard time.


This organization helps to feed, shelter and give a leg up to anyone in need, such as new arrivals in our country, those who are homeless or jobless and many others.


For more information, visit the Inspiritus website.


The Lilburn Co-Op provides food, clothing and funds for people in need. Trinity provides financial assistance with other churches and businesses, as well as food and personal care donations through our Loaves and Fishes collection.


For more information, visit the Lilburn Co-Op website.


Each month, Trinity focuses on a community/church ministry with a special Love Offering. The monthly focus can be found on the back of the prayer insert in our weekly bulletin.


Calling all gardeners and those who would like to learn to garden! Trinity has three gardening beds in the Community Garden at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church. Through planting, weeding, watering, and most importantly, God's grace, we were able to donate 282 pounds of produce to the Lilburn Co-op in 2021. If you would like to participate, contact Pastor Katie.


Each fifth Sunday of the year, Trinity collects a Noisy Offering. A noisy offering is, as its name indicates, noisy. Noisy is fun, especially for little ones. Our youngest worshipers collect spare change from the other worshipers that goes toward one of our ministries.


German food, music and drink with a community atmosphere comes to Trinity Lutheran Church each October. The annual Oktoberfest celebration runs from 11 AM to 9 PM with events inside the church and under the big tent at the back of the property.

Activities include:

  • Live music and dancing

  • Authentic German food and beverages

  • Arts and crafts fair and kids carnival games, face painting and inflatables

  • Petting zoo


Click here for more event details.


Trinity Lutheran Church is a welcoming faith community and congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).




1826 Killian Hill Rd

Lilburn, GA 30047

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