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Please review the following changes in COVID protocols for worship as of 3/31/22:

1. Sanitizing between services: We will no longer be sanitizing the sanctuary between services unless an outbreak occurs or for some other health issue.


2. Mask wearing: We will continue to go mask-optional for indoor and outdoor activities.

3. Taking tape off of the pews: We will be taking the tape off the pews for April. We ask that you still be respectful of social distancing and those who request space.


4. Holy Communion (starting April 10): Holy Communion will be offered at two stations on either side of the baptismal font, as we did at Lessons & Carols in December. Pastors will hand out bread while communion assistants will hand out individual cups of wine from the silver trays. Folks may go to the communion railing after receiving communion for silent prayer. Trash containers will be placed up front for empty cups. Pastors will take communion to the pew for those who do not come forward.


5. Worship registration (starting April 10) We will be no longer be doing weekly registration for worship unless needed for preparation purposes.


6. Offering: We will continue to keep the offering plates on the information tables in the gathering area.


7. Worship materials in pew racks: Hymnals, Bibles, offering envelopes, prayer cards, and welcome cards will be re-stocked in pews.


8. Sharing of the peace (starting April 10): We will allow individuals to share the peace as they feel comfortable. Please be respectful of people’s preference for sharing of the peace.


9. New Office Hours (starting April 11): Official office hours will be 9:00 AM–3:00 PM, Monday–Friday. We encourage members to still call and email if possible. Also, if you are coming to the office for something important, please call first to make sure someone is available, as we do occasionally need to step out of the office to run errands or for lunch, meetings, etc.

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