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All women at Trinity are members of Women of the ELCA (WELCA). The congregational unit of WELCA at Trinity is part of the Southeastern Synod (SWO) Women of the ELCA and also the larger national Churchwide (CWO) Women of the ELCA.

Our Trinity unit has 4 Circles that meet monthly. These Circle meetings include fellowship time, Bible study, and support chosen service projects. We also have an elected Board that meets monthly to plan and organize our events and projects.

One of our largest service projects is support of Lutheran World Relief with our Piecemakers quilting group and groups who make Personal Care Kits, School Kits, and Baby Care Kits. Every August, we host a LWR Ingathering and load our donations, plus those from all over metro Atlanta, into a tractor trailer which delivers these items to the warehouse in Maryland. 

As a congregational unit we have an annual Holiday Auction to raise money for missions we support. We also have an annual Women’s weekend retreat, Advent dinner, Oktoberfest Bake Sale, and our annual Friendship Feast Luncheon held on WELCA Sunday. We host a Grace Café for the congregation the Sunday prior to Christmas. 

Our SES WELCA holds an annual convention every September and our Trinity unit elects a voting member to represent us. Other women from Trinity also attend this Synod convention and are active on the Synod Board. Every 3 years our SES WELCA elects a voting member to attend the Churchwide Triennial Convention. Some women from Trinity have represented the SES Synod WELCA at this convention. The Triennial Gathering is held in conjunction with this CWO convention and is a fun and inspirational event attended by women from all over the country.

The WELCA unit at Trinity is one of the most active units in the Southeastern Synod. Come join us!

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